WRITTEN BY: RS: @davidlopean
PHOTOS BY: RS: @michaelguyphotography | RS: @angelaltes
Last weekend on June 8th and 9th, we were in London and the surrounding suburbs recording our second promotional video. We knew we could count on our local users, who are always willing to attend drives and meetups, and who never miss the chance to take some shots and videos of their favorite cars.
We started the day at a detailing shop called Wrench Studios, situated in the suburbs of London, with support from our photographers and RoadStr Ambassadors: Michael (RS: @michaelguyphotography) and Ángel (RS: @angelaltes), to shoot several scenes for the video. There we met with other enthusiasts, like Stefan (RS: @stefanmartel) and his incredible BMW M2, and Andrew (RS: @Lit.yh), who wasn’t able to bring his special Audi R8, but who instead brought along an amazing Mercedes Benz C63 S AMG. Both cars were spec’d in a striking lime green that really made them stand out, even over an Aston Martin Vantage and Porsche 356.

After taking some nice shots, we went straight to central London, to Belgrave Square between Hide Park and Buckingham Palace. That was where we met up with the event organized by Tom Exton (RS: @tgetv), who came in a spectacular Lamborghini Aventador SV. The famous YouTuber met with fans, sharing his passion for cars with the rest of the users attending the meetup. He even unveiled his big secret, and new acquisition, a Ferrari 488 Pista that you can view on his RoadStr profile.
The meetup was a big success. Many users turned out at the event and demonstrated the passion that the English have always held for automotive. It’s there that the phrase “car culture” is demonstrated to its maximum. So it’s no surprise that many fans who were not yet on RoadStr signed up the moment they found out about the app.
The atmosphere was sensational, with more than thirty sportscars gathered in the square and with many fans enjoying a pleasant morning in great company. The best way to meet other enthusiasts.
This is only the beginning!